Crematorium (1941- 2017)

My perpetual starvation bellows, burning,
Gaping open for more piles of humans.
Shove more bodies! Feed my bottomless desire!
Shovel in more naked fresh screaming flesh!
Yearning night and day I roar, devour
All the Jewish meat you cram into me!
I crave blood by truckloads, trainloads. Feed me!
Bring communists, Jews, gays, gypsies, deviants,
All dissenters to my flaming abyss!
My conflagration crackles bright orange
With an unending hunger surging
To roast, char, ,sear, broil, and scorch them all.
I am the connoisseur of annihilation.
Let my churning smokestacks mark my power.
Let the glowing sparks I belch torch the night.
Use the ashes and billion bits of bone
To make new roads that shall last forever.

Some wonder why I haven’ been dismantled,
Demand I commemorate consciences ‘chasms.
Years later, I wait, poised mausoleum.
Some visitors shudder, strangely chilled.
A few grin, nod approval;
My emptiness reflected in their eyes.
In their clenched hands my potential gathers.

Ernie Brill - North Hampton, Ma


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