See he's Hitler After All

the Christians and Republicans all
pray and pray for the second coming
of Christ to occur;
and what they received? the second
coming of der fuhrer, old Adolf himself –
vacation cancelled,
civil liberties rescinded,
that’s ICE knocking at your door,
that’s DOJ & FBI & DOH knocking at your door –
he wants to lift the travel ban,
get back to work,
fix the economy,
make Amerika great again,
kill us all in the process -
and once we are all dead,
the ones at the bottom,
the ones with the minimum wage,
slaves to consumerism,
slave to mortgages and rent
and the spend, spend, spend;
only the rich will remain,
but who will serve them?
who will be down on their knees,
face deep in rancid asses?
we are beaten and poor,
tattered, torn and wasted away,
stimulus for the rich;
the end of the blade for the working class -
I wonder:
when will we ball our fists?
when will we raise our voice?
when will we wake up?
pull our heads from the sand?
when will reason and sanity return?
I’d rather die by the sword
than fade with the flu…

Jack Henry - Mojave, Ca


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