My family died in a fire wreckage when i was six

Tonight, i lit a bonfire before me.
I plant a stare till the faces of my family appear like fireflies.
At age six, my eyes knew the gallery of fire.
I saw how bodies fell & melted away like candle wax.
I was named after a city with many tombs.
I glow in aloneness amid the rhythm of those burnt bodies
I tried once setting my body ablaze to know the definition of fire.
Perhaps I was the only song left in God’s head.
My tongue carries the salt of an archipelago.
It vacates my mouth to taste the scars on my body.
a friend once told me that i may never contain sweetness.
At age twenty-one, I wish to name this body a fallen object
from the sky and ask God why his wings are so brittle to
clasp me.

Emmanuel Ojeikhodion - Nigeria


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